Meine Buchprojekte
Die schönste Erfahrung, die ich jeweils beim Schreiben gemacht habe und immer noch mache ist die Erkenntnis, heute genau das zu leben was ich visualisiert habe. Das bezieht sich einerseits auf die Situation nach unserer Trennung, als sich unser Familienleben verändert hat aber auch auf die Zeit, rückblickend, in der wir oder ich die Kinder gross gezogen haben.
Es gibt immer wieder vertrackte Situationen in einem Leben wo sich scheinbar keine unmittelbare Lösung zeigt. Entscheidend für mich ist in solchen Lebensphasen, das Vertrauen zu haben, dass egal welche Herausforderung ansteht, sich immer eine Lösung findet, solange du eben lösungs- und nicht problemfokussiert bist. Somit kann ein vermeintlich traumatisches Erlebnis ein wertvoller und lehrreicher (neuer) Abschnitt in deinem Leben werden.

Separation with Heart
from Acceptance to Zero hour
The separation from your partner, possibly from the father of your children, is an enormously drastic phase in your life. In addition to all the emotions you have to endure and deal with, however, it is also important to handle all the legal and administrative aspects in a businesslike manner. The goal must be to find an acceptable solution for everyone as quickly as possible. For both partners and the children, things need to get back on track after the separation!
I have written down what I consider to be the most important points for you in my book. Always with the goal of a ‘good separation’ in view - a separation with heart, that is. We as a family have managed - with a lot of patience, and by keeping these important points in mind - to solve this task in the best possible way. I am proud of all of us. And I know today that it is possible, regardless of the history that led to the separation, to make this new start, strengthened and enriched by all we have been through.
With the order button you get directly to the BoD bookshop where you can order the e-book as well as the print version.
Of course you can also get the print version directly from me, via email sabinebrandt[at]gmx.ch, for CHF 9.90 incl. shipping and a personal dedication.
What Children want
Parents aren‘t perfect’. Understanding this as a child is a part of growing up. Passing it on to one’s children is part of what it means to be a parent.
As a parent, you often realise late in life what you could or should have done differently in raising your children. Perhaps only when your own children are grown up and confront you with your own behaviour, with questions or criticism about parenting.
In this book, Sabine Brandt would like to show young people and parents-to-be what they can pass on to their children. It is simple things like unconditional love and a place where they can feel safe and cared for. These feelings can only be passed on if they have been experienced in the same way.
After reflecting on her own childhood and an honest exchange within the family, she is convinced that this is possible.
With the order button you get directly to the BoD bookshop where you can order the e-book as well as the print version.
Of course you can also get the print version, via email sabinebrandt[at]gmx.ch, for CHF 18.90 incl. shipping and a personal dedication.